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Promoting Your Program

Depending on the nature of the program you are designing, you may be looking to promote what you have created to attract participants. Below are a few ideas to help you promote your program.


Give Them the Essentials

So, you have created your program and are ready to tell people how to get involved. What information do you need to pass along to potential participants to make sure they are able to join your particular program? At a minimum you will need to tell potential participants the name of the program you have created. You may also need to let people know any start and end dates and times if there is a limited window to participate. When participants download the Scavify app and create an account they will then be prompted to search for a program so knowing the name of your particular program is essential. If you have provided a password for your program you will also want to make sure people are aware of what that password is so that they can successfully join and begin participating.



Now that you know what pieces of information you need to share with potential participants, it’s time to start letting everyone now about the awesome program you have created. Using e-mail is one of the easiest ways to get that message out. Send the essential information about your program and quick instructions on how to get involved. If you are going to be giving out rewards or prizes you may want to highlight that as incentives. So gather up the info, tell everyone why the experience is going to be great and hit the send button.


Social Media

Another great way to share the information and excitement around your program is social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all of the other outlets are great ways to get people excited about your program. Provide the basic details they need to get started, post updates about launches and share content, such as completed photo challenges, to show everyone all of the cool things happening. A few social media updates throughout the course of your program is an easy and effective way to communicate with potential participants.

A few quick posts to help get you started:


We just launched something we really think you’ll love on Scavify! Download the Scavify app from the App Store or Google Play and search for us. Scavify is all about completing challenges, getting points, and earning rewards. @scavify #scavify


We are on Scavify! Download the Scavify app and search for us. Complete challenges, get points, and earn rewards. @scavify #scavify  


We just launched something we really think you’ll love on Scavify! Download the Scavify app from the App Store or Google Play and search for us. Scavify is all about completing challenges, getting points, and earning rewards. @scavify #scavify



For programs taking place at physical locations creating attractive signage and placing it in high foot traffic areas is another great way to inform people about your program. Nice, clean, minimal and attractive signage that catches peoples attention and provides the essential details of your program will certainly help promote your program.


Consider showing screenshots of your program with your logos to let everyone know you have an app for your program. QR codes linking to the Scavify app or landing pages with more information can also help people find the app quickly and learn more. Digital signage can also be very effective as content to share in your email or social media promotion.


Interaction with Other People

Another effective, and perhaps not often top of mind, way to promote your program is creating challenges that require current participants to interact with other potential participants. So think: “Take a group photo with some new friends you met along the way”. This interaction will get participants interacting with non-participants who may be wondering why this person is taking this photo with them, which in turn may cause the non-participants to ask, “Hey, what are you participating in?”. Now, since the participant is already excited about your program they are the perfect spokesperson and promoter of your program to this group of people. This is a great way to have your current participants help spread the word for you.


Best Practices

In order to make sure you are able to capitalize on your promotion efforts and attract participants here are a few quick best practices you may want to consider:

  • Use a catchy name for your program
  • Create fun and creative challenges that will get people talking
  • Consider some unique or useful rewards that will get people excited
  • Promote your program leading up to the launch to generate some interest early on